Welcome to the only website deticated to the Harley-Davidson MX-250 . After purchasing one of these machines in reasonable condition my next step was to locate parts sources and contacts for parts and pieces. I quickly found that nobody had a site for the MX-250 motocrosser. It was in 1977 I seen her for the first time, walking into a local dealership and seeing her proudly displayed on the showroom floor. I instantly fell in love with her, but at 12 yrs old I was lucky to have enough change in my pocket to pay attention! I read tests in magazines, drooled on pictures, and probably was forced by the local dealer several times to leave his shop since I was constantly pestering him about the bike and he knew I didnt have a dime to my name. The dream of finally owning a Harley Davidson MX-250 was finally answered some 20 yrs later after finding someone who had one and bugging him for years to sell it too me (thanks Wayne!) If you can stomach my amature webmaster skills and visit this site occasionally you will see it grow as a collect more information, pictures, ect. I have made a few new friends with my new toy and they will be helping me along as well. If you care to send any info, your own pics, questions, comments, critisizm, ect, please feel free to do so and I will gladly post your info and give you credit.
I am also hoping to compile a list of MX-250 owners as well as anyone who may have spares for this bike. Hopefully this site will generate enough attention and require a message board so the possibility of exchanging information, parts searches,and bench racing can take place
As of 12-10-02 Bob Dempsey will be at the controls of this site! Please stay tuned for more exciting things to happen here!
The Harley-Davidson MX-250 was a lethal weapon in its class and Harley-Davidson even had a motocross team consisting of Rex Staten, Don Kudalski, and Marty Tripes. All three riders were successful on the MX-250 before the motocross effort was shelved. I am still trying to collect information on this , so please bear with me. Any info and pictures you could supply me with will greatly be appreciated!
Please send me your texts and scans, or simply e-mail me and I'll give you my mailing address so that you may send the info. I will return your property in the same condition in a timely manner! |
Please send your pics and info for the Harley-Davidson MX-250 bikes! |

Also looking for production numbers on these machines!